Average Reviews:

(More customer reviews)I read the ad and purchased the system through Costco since they have a rep for an excellent price/value relationship.
Rating the unit-
Set-up = A. easy to read and follow instructions
Components = D.
a).Transmitters are physically large in relation to their function/operation. They are easy to spot by intuders.
b). base station. Alarm signal is loud enough to be a
nuisance. Perhaps it was designed to incapacitate intruders through laughter.
c). Sensitivity = F
I placed the 2 sensors in logical locations and "broke into" my own house with the system armed. I assumed that the intruder would come during the day. Any intruder with half a brain would see the sensors - they have a big red LED on the front.
Sadly, I was able to get by the sensors and gain access to all of the house by using very slow deliberate movements. It bears mentioning that I am 6'5" 250 lbs and that I moved within 5' of the front of one of the sensors without setting off the alarm.
Once I had decided to return the unit, I started moving more naturally to see what the threshold was for me to be detected.
I was not impressed, to say the least.
It is true that it would be hard to leave the house carrying
a TV or a sofa but intruders easily could have walked off with small valuables /jewelry/cash. In fact, without installation of a third sensor they could have opened the garage door and carried 1/2 of the first floor.
Unless your prospective intruders are remarkably clumsy, or ride (remarkably clumsy) elephants, there is no way this system would detect them.
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